Episode #284 with Travis Wilson.

Tonight we welcome back Travis Wilson from Alpha Elite Performance to the show. Travis has been a guest host and a guest several times on the show but it has been a while.
Alpha Elite Performance (alphaeliteperformance.com) started in 2015 as a veteran owned sports nutrition company focused on supporting the superior performance and recovery of every customer as they pursue their athletic and health goals. They make great products that both Stew and Nunn can attest to as we are both customers.
Besides just making great sports nutrition products, Travis has taken on the mission of giving back to the military community by creating Alpha Elite Performance Outdoors (linktr.ee/AlphaElitePerformanceOutdoors)
Alpha Elite Performance Outdoors caters to our SOF veterans and those that support them! We already know we have problems. We don’t need to raise awareness, we want to help with the cause. We’ve witnessed what fellowship and bonding can do for ones warrior spirit and mental health. We want to give back that excitement and rush of adrenaline we craved and fed off of for all of our careers.
If you can’t listen live at 8:30PM EST, please come back and catch the show anytime to watch/listen later. Find us on Periscope, Twitch, Facebook Live, You Tube, Rumble or listen on Spreaker ,iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts and iHeartRadio.