Episode #245 with Scott Mann.

On tonight’s episode, we are lucky to welcome back good friend and past-guest (Episode #177- www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cky4HbfyxhE) LTC (ret) Scott Mann to the show.
Scott spent almost 23 years in the Army and 18 of that in Special Forces and Special Operations. Scott spent 10 years in 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) deploying to Central and South America, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Scott is a real estate entrepreneur, public speaker, best-selling author, military analyst, and advocate for veterans and veteran’s families, co-founding The Heroes Journey (www.theheroesjourney.org). A non profit dedicated to helping warriors find their voice and tell their story in transition, Scott wrote and acts in the play Last Out: Elegy of a Green Beret (www.facebook.com/lastoutplay/) and founded the company Rooftop Leadership (www.rooftopleadership.com).
Not only will we talk some current events with Scott, but we will really be focusing on his current work in turning the play into a movie that is scheduled to be released Memorial Day Weekend. Please go to the Facebook page linked above to see clips from the Play, learn more about the movie being made, and about the actors and crew behind this production.
Please plan to join us tonight 8:00PM EST on all of our outlets to listen live or come back anytime to watch/listen later. Find us on Periscope, Twitch, Facebook Live, You Tube or listen on Spreaker ,iTunes, Spotify and iHeartRadio.