Episode #243 with John Wagner.

A little over a month ago, our good buddy John “The Wolf” Wagner joined us on the show. He was our guest on Episode #238 (stewandthenunn.com/2021/02/episode-238-with-major-ret-john-wagner/) so we are glad to have him back 5 episodes later to talk current events, give us some of his perspective and help round-out the conversation with Stew and Nunn. There is no telling what we will talk about specifically but we are sure it will include Immigration, administration transparency, the China virus, and who knows what else.
Please plan to join us tonight 8:00PM EST on all of our outlets to listen live or come back anytime to watch/listen later. Find us on Periscope, Twitch, Facebook Live, You Tube or listen on Spreaker ,iTunes, Spotify and iHeartRadio.