Episode #181 with LTC (ret) Jason Amerine.

We are back tonight after having to be away for the last two weeks and we have a great guests for our viewers/listeners. Tonight LTC (ret) Jason Amerine returns to the show to talk about some of the current events going on in the world and in the DC political arena. Jason served in the Invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, in which he aided tribal leader Hamid Karzai in fighting a guerrilla war against the Taliban. Jason was the Team Commander for ODA 574, which was the first team in Southern Afghanistan. The actions and bravery of his team was captured in Eric Blehm’s book “The Only Thing Worth Dying For”. He was also a “Real Hero” in the America’s Army video game.
Please plan to join us tonight starting at 8PM EST. on all of our outlets to listen live or come back anytime to watch/listen later. Find us on Periscope, Twitch, Facebook Live, You Tube or listen on Spreaker ,iTunes, Spotify and now iHeartRadio.