Special Episode 146, Mid-Term Election Coverage.

Tonight on a special night and a special show, we will have episode #146 which will be our mid-term election night coverage. Stew and Nunn are hosting at least a two-hour show that will include multiple guests. We will have several guest coming on and off the show through the night.
We will have Mr. Chad Robichaux who is the founder of Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation and served on President Trumps Veteran’s advisory panel for a while after he was elected. The Mighty Oaks Foundation is a faith-based Veteran service organization that teaches combat Veterans struggling with Post Traumatic Stress how to get beyond combat trauma and live their lives in the manner God intended. Many combat vets are unable to reintegrate back into civilian life, leaving their families to deal with the aftermath of broken homes and suicide at times. By aligning their lives to Biblical principles, these Warriors are able to lead their families, their communities and our nation.
Mr. Jim Hanson who is the President of the Security Studies Group (SSG) will also be coming on the show tonight to give us his insight and perspective. From the SSG website, SSG focuses on defending the value of American power against the true threats we face. Both the legislative and executive branches need rapid access to concise and factual data to inform strategic re-orientation in counterterrorism and national security policy.
Last and definitely not least we will have Mr. Joe Esparza on the show. Joe currently works on Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s re-election campaign as the Director of Operations and Coalitions.
All of these gentleman are veterans and have raised their hands a number of times to volunteer for tasks that take them on a road less traveled. Even out of uniform they all continue to serve and give back to their communities and nation, espousing the selfless service this show is all about.
Please join us tonight starting at 8PM EST. on all of our outlets to listen live or come back anytime to watch/listen later. Find us on Periscope, Twitch, Facebook Live, You Tube or listen on Spreaker , iTunes, Spotify and now iHeartRadio.