Episode 127 with Clint Gridley and remembering D-Day.
SHOW NOTICE- We are on air tonight, Wednesday June 6th at 9PM EST. This is a special day and time for this week only!!
Tonight on this special Wednesday night episode we will be reflecting on D-Day, 74 years after the brave war-fighters of the European campaign stormed and parachuted onto and behind the beaches of Normandy. We will also be talking with Mr. Clint Gridley who is the owner / operator of Off the Grid Cerakote (www.offthegridcerakote.com) and Accelerated Solutions (a-solutionsllc.com). With his two company, Clint specializes in custom Cerakote work and American Made Kydex holsters and accessories. He is a certified Cerakote applicator with an ffl 07 and was meticulously trained by the previous owner of Accelerated Solutions and close friend Mike Cantrell (close friend and former Soldier with Toby). AS was built in vet sweat from the ground up. Clint does not have a military background, but continue to put forth American Made products, all hand pressed and shaped.
You can text ideas, questions or opinions to the hosts at 512-361-1178.
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