Episode 93, Sarah Lee update, Manning, Kneeling, N. Korea.

We are very excited to welcome back to the show tonight our good friend, and veteran, Ms. Sarah Lee.
Sarah has been a guest several times on the show, both before her cross-country ride and during. Sarah has a very unfortunate accident that has had a serious impact on her journey but has not stopped it forever.
In addition to Sarah talking about her journey we will be talking with her to get her opinions on a variety of topics like Bradley Manning trying to run to Canada, NFL and the National Anthem and of course a little about North Korea. As always, any other topics could come up during tonight’s show. So be sure to tun in at 8PM EST on Twitch.TV, You Tube, Facebook Live, and Periscope. Find all the links on our web page at www.stewandthenunn.com